K1 Hector vs Nikobaby – Beastcoast Carry vs Alliance Carry Warm up Ti10 Ranked Dota 2 pro Gameplay


K1 Hector vs Nikobaby – Beastcoast Carry vs Alliance Carry Warm up Ti10 Ranked Dota 2 pro Gameplay

K1 Hector vs Nikobaby – Beastcoast Carry vs Alliance Carry Warm up Ti10 Ranked Dota 2 pro Gameplay

bc.K1 (Smurf) – play Bloodseeker

Alliance.Nikobaby (Smurf) – play Lifestealer

TSpirit.Miposhka – play IO

Alliance.Handsken – play Rubick

Empire.Smiling Knight – play Tiny

Héctor Antonio “K1” Rodríguez is a Peruvian professional Dota 2 player who is currently playing for beastcoast.

#Dota2Skadi #Dota2 #Gameplay #Bloodseeker
#Beastcoast #BCK1
#730 #730c
#dota #K1Hector #K1

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