ビリー・クアランティーロが新型コロナウイルスの陽性反応、6.20『UFC on ESPN 11』フランク・カマチョの対戦相手がマット・フレヴォラからジャスティン・ジェインズに変更

6.20 UFCでフランク・カマチョとマット・フレヴォラが対戦(2020年05月30日)



The UFC has pulled me from my fight due to one of my cornerman testing positive for COVID-19. We did everything possible to make this fight happen. They tested me twice and both results came back negative. I also provided proof of my positive antibodies test from April 30th but the UFC did not want any liability or to risk it. Being that there is a lack of knowledge on the incubation period and still so many unknowns regarding covid 19, they decided to pull me bc of the 2 positive test result from my teammate and brother, Billy Q. He’s been a huge help and source of support throughout camp and I have no hard feelings. He is 100% healthy at the moment and feels fine, so he must be asymptomatic. This is a Crazy situation and everything happens for a reason. I am on weight and prepared to the fullest. I was really excited for this fight with Frank and told him if they find him a new opponent for Saturday I will be rooting for him. If not, I’m willing to rebook this fight ASAP or when ever he wants. I’m sorry to everyone who was excited to watch me fight and supports me along this journey, I really felt the love 〓️ 〓. Can’t believe I’m the first fighter to get 2 fights canceled due to this virus (without even having it) but I know it has effected a lot more lives in worse ways 〓 . Figuring out the next move from here and will keep moving forward, that’s what we do! Should be booked to fight again ASAP and hope the UFC continues to take care of me.

Matt Frevola(@steamrollafrevola_mma)がシェアした投稿 -

Justin Jaynes(Tapology)

 6月20日にラスベガスで開催する『UFC on ESPN 11: Blaydes vs. Volkov』でフランク・カマチョと対戦予定だったマット・フレヴォラですが、チームメイトでありセコンドにつく予定だったビリー・クアランティーロが新型コロナウイルスの陽性反応が出たことから欠場、代わりにジャスティン・ジェインズがカマチョと対戦するとのこと。フレヴォラはインスタグラムで自身は2度検査しており共に陰性だったそうですが、UFCは大事を取って欠場させることにしたそうです。
