K-1 | 베델교회학교 주일 온라인예배 | 12.05.21


K-1 | 베델교회학교 주일 온라인예배 | 12.05.21

Job 1 ~ 42

Job was a good man who loved God. God even said so. But big troubles began to happen to Job, and Job did not know why. Robbers stole all the animals on his farm. Job’s children died in a storm. Job became sick with bad sores all over his body. He felt terrible! Three friends came to visit Job. They said God was punishing Job for his sin. “But I did not do anything wrong,” Job said. “I wish I could ask God some questions.” Then God came in a wind storm to talk to Job. God asked Job a lot of questions: “Where were you when I created the earth? Can you measure how big it is? Can you send out lightning bolts? Do you make horses strong? Does an eagle build its nest where you say?” God said, “I made the most powerful animal in the world. Can you capture it? Can you catch a crocodile?” Job realized that God is much greater than people. People cannot always understand what God is doing, but people can always trust God. God is good. God made Job well, and Job became richer than he had been before. Job had more children. He lived a long and happy life.

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