巴西柔術工作坊當日花絮 | 【廣東話無字幕】


巴西柔術工作坊當日花絮 | 【廣東話無字幕】

Eng below / 今次的工作坊其實是我一年前有的心願,當初亦和Taki Sensei有提過,但最後都係缺乏信心而擱置,但今次得到太太和師父的信任下,膽粗粗地踏出這一步!最後非常感謝當日的師父師兄們,亦感謝當日出席的同學們,最後感謝九龍柔術的Taki師父讓我們進行今次的工作坊,非常感謝大家!

This workshop is actually a wish I had a year ago. I mentioned it to Taki Sensei at the beginning, but in the end I put it aside due to a lack of confidence. But this time, with the trust of my wife and Taki Sensei, I boldly stepped out finally! Here I would like to thank all the masters and brothers who attended that day. I would also like to thank the students who attended that day. Finally, I would like to thank Sensei Taki from Kowloon Jiu-Jitsu for allowing us to use for this workshop. Thank you all very much!

Location credit:
Kowloon Jiu-jitsu HQ / 九龍柔術

#巴西柔術 #柔術班 #私人柔術班 #巴柔 #巴柔坦克 #九龍柔術 #柔術 #柔術人日常 #柔術人 #柔術教練 #柔術新手 #柔道 #綜合格鬥 #九龍柔術 #BJJ #BJJbeginner #BJJclass #BJJcoach #bjjlifestyle #bjjtank #BJJtraining #brazilianjiujitsu #Grappling #jiujitsu #judo #mma #thetankjiujitsu

